Six A Side Cancelled

Unfortunately, the inevitable Council decision regarding the grounds has come. Blacktown Council has closed the grounds for the weekend and six a side is cancelled for 2024.

Rest assured that your disappointment is shared by us all.

The work of spot marking the fields for marking, gathering the resources, organising teams, putting the draw together, gathering the volunteers and preparing the canteens has all been done and will now go unrewarded.

Thank you to the Management Committee, the coaches, managers and club officials. Special thanks to Ian Warwick, James May, Sarah Burrows, Sarah Irving, Paul Sydenham, Kim Sydenham, David Johnson and Brad Sly. These people need acknowledgement despite no event being possible. We have a great Association and this is why.

No doubt Monday will be a beautiful day and we will all be dreaming of what might have been. For the 7th time in over 100 years our event won’t happen due to rain.

I very much hope we see you all back in 2025. We will be super excited then.

All the best,


Six a side Coordinator.

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