First Aid Course

First Aid Course

CFA Sydney is providing the following training to all interested:

Course:                                 Provide First Aid

Location:                              Dooley’s Riverview, Silverwater Road, Silverwater

Dates:                                   20th & 27th May 2019 (Attendance required on Both nights)

Times:                                   7.00-9.00pm both nights

Certificate Issued:            HLTAID003 Provide First Aid

Validation:                          3 Years from date of completion

Pre-Course:                        a First Aid Manual with Self-Help Questions will be sent to you prior to the course. These questions will need to be completed Prior to the Practical assessment dates above.

This certificate is being provided by a Registered Training Organisation and is recognised as a National Unit of Competence that can be provided to Workplaces to show competence.

To register for this course please contact your Club Secretary and return the attached Enrolment Form by 3rd May 2019.

If you have any questions regarding the training, please contact Matt on 0439474644 or email