Covid Update 24/6/21

Covid Update 24/6/21

Please see the below update following yesterday’s communication, Further to the public health order issued.

CFA Sydney and our member clubs can continue to conduct football activities but that existing COVID-19 Safety Plans be reviewed and that steps are taken to ensure compliance with rules around masks, movement and social distancing.


Anyone attending football matches or training must wear a mask.

People may remove their mask only for strenuous physical exercise (e.g. to warm up, train, play or referee), or when eating or drinking, and must put their masks back on at all other times, including spectators, coaches, managers, substitutes etc.

Similar to earlier orders, there are other exemptions that apply including for children under 12, people with autism or intellectual disabilities and other health conditions.

More detail is available here:

Social distancing:

Capacity restrictions now apply so that spaces must have no more than one person per 4 metres squared, and masking also applies.

A common sense step is to close change rooms.

Have your QR code check ins displayed at the ground, ensuring everyone checks in.

Please ensure that all clubs comply with these orders. We trust that everyone from players, officials & spectators will be mindful of their responsibility to our community.

Wear your mask, practice social distancing, and if you’re unwell, get tested and then stay home.

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